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Saturday, October 13, 2012

You Will Love It - 6 Natural Hair Growth Treatments

Now I want share to you about how to growth your hair. How fast does hair grow? It is depending on you but with my experience it will grow between several weeks and don't worry about side effect because these secrets are natural treatments. Are you ready?

Aloe Vera 
Do not look the physical of aloe vera. I've proved myself and now I am falling in love with aloe vera. :) Aloe vera saved me and my friends from baldness. Now I feel my hair a bit thick. Below are simple steps, I hope it will useful for you.

  1. Select the big aloe vera and make sure aloe vera has thick meat 
  2. Peel the sections toothed and peel the aloe vera skin on the other side (Do not peel all the skin, because you will be hard to hold it) 
  3. Rub aloe vera to the bottom of the scalp, repeat into the entire head until evenly distributed 
  4. Massage your head and then cover the head with a towel, leave on about 15-30 minutes. 
  5. First you may feel itchy. Leave it alone because it will go away. Maybe the effects of aloe vera are working (don't worry it safe) :) 
  6. Rinse thoroughly 
  7. Just do it at least twice a week and after shampooing do not forget to wear your with hair tonic or hair loss vitamin. 
You can also blend aloe vera and stored in refrigerator, just a massage on the scalp. The difference is you will feel cold aloe vera on your scalp. This is more practical and easy

Celery Stalk 
  1. Take 7-10 sheet of celery stalk. 
  2. Mash it until smooth and then wash as usual 
  3. Rub the result of this celery leaves collision into the scalp and hair thoroughly 
  4. Massage your head gently 
  5. Wrap your hair with plastic cap, warm towel or shower cap (approximately an hour) 
  6. Rinse with clean water and do it 2-3 times a week to get maximum results.
Olive Oil 
Olive oil is the useful product that can be found in almost any kitchen. Olive oil not only enhances the process of hair growth, but also to nourish your scalp condition as hair treatment. Put four to five drops of olive oil after shampooing then massage the scalp. I suggest do it at night so the olive oil absorbed in the scalp. In the morning, wash your hair.
Egg Yolk 
Another way to grow hair is with egg yolk. Use egg yolk on the hair and scalp. Massage the scalp for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash your hair with shampoo so the egg yolk not leaves the fishy smell in your hair. Do this process three to four times a week.

Coconut Milk 
One of the most popular techniques used to enhance hair growth is the application of coconut milk into the scalp. 
  1. Apply 300 to 500 ml of coconut milk into the scalp and hair, 
  2. Cover your hair with warm towel and leave on for 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse with cold water.
With this treatment, the hair will also become more soft and shiny. If you do it regularly, you can be seen the significant results in your hair growth. Do this process three to four times a week.

Coconut Oil 
Dandruff can block the hair growth. To eliminate dandruff and hair grow faster, you could rubbing coconut oil on hair till your scalp. Make sure all hair roots exposed of coconut oil. If the process is done every day, then within 15 days dandruff will disappear and you will get the strong hair roots, so your hair can be growth faster.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Natural Beauty Tips Explained - How to Use Natural Beauty Tips Effectively

Natural Beauty Tips
Everyone has a desire to have great beauty and health, but unfortunately many products are claiming to provide beauty and health but without scientific basis. Consumers are swayed by advertising offers without scientific basis, thus fooled and spending a lot of money for all of that or even worse when up beauty deformed. That's why I am here to provide you natural beauty tips.

But it's undeniable that beauty products are now packed in interesting methods to attract customers and easy when using them. But why not try and go back to nature products because nature itself has provided it for us. It isn’t wrong if we all try to get back to nature because using these natural ways or materials for beauty, it is certainly safer than chemical products and all this will save your monthly expenses.

Before we go further into the subject of natural beauty tips, there are some things you should know about beauty. This is important because I want you use this natural beauty tips optimally. Unlike beauty just 'stuck' on the face and body, a natural beauty is like the light that emanates from the inside. It doesn't matter how old you are, facial features and body shape, you can cultivate your natural beauty.

Like the two sides of a coin, in the beauty world, there are two factors that should be noticed:

Internal Beauty Factors and External Beauty Factors

Internal beauty factors include:
- What do you see in yourself?
- Is your personality helping yourself?
- Are there any habits that sometimes trouble you?

External beauty factors include:
- Knowledge about personal care products, ex: makeup application tips, how to choose sunscreen, etc
- How to use natural beauty remedies tips ex: natural tooth care, remove acne scars, etc
- How to use homemade beauty tips to solve beauty problems - and many more.

Well before I start to discuss more about these two factors above, I want you to see the picture below.

How do you respond on the image above? Hmm... She is beautiful, isn't it? In terms of appearance, she is very different from her real appearance. With the right tricks you can hide the flaws and make it look beautiful. From the figure, there are two questions I want to ask.

The first question is whether indeed you want to hide your flaws? Are your friends or someone special to you in the end is willing to accept it?

The second question is have you ever felt attracted to a figure in a community or in a particular social activity? Personality is shown by this figure and can pull us up to make us feel comfortable around her.

Because it has such interesting personality, she became a center of gravity that can attract the attention of the people around her. All eyes may be on her. Arouse curiosity to know who this person really is. And this is not necessarily artists; ordinary people like you and me can do it.

Here's my initial discussion about natural beauty tips before I discuss external factors so you look more beautiful naturally.

Why is this not like the natural beauty tips as on other websites?
I began to realize that the people who think they are pretty (not artificial) most likely will not type keyword "natural beauty tips" in search engines because they realize "they are pretty". For that you have to know yourself better first. Have you done that?
If you don't agree with my answer above, please press the back button or close your browser tab. Because for the next article that I’ve written, this would not be useful for you. If you agree with my answer above, let's move on.

When I was sharing experiences with some friends, I found that the main point to be a center of social gravity was to become an interesting person. And this can happen when we have HIGH QUALITIES. Of course this can only be obtained by those who are consistent in terms of personal development, covering all aspects of knowledge, ways of thinking, and attitude in life.

What are the advantages when you become someone that I mentioned above?
When you become the center of social gravity, then you will attract quality people into the social circle that you have. This far exceeds your friends who only rely on a pretty face and ideal body shape as their main attraction.

Shortly I'll tell you the secret. It will be the envy of your friends! It’s simple, but not easy to do. Are you ready?

Here are the secrets:

1. Love Yourself
How often do we pay attention to other people, especially for people who may be practically special in our eyes whatever its status. If the question is reversed, how often do we do the same thing FOR OURSELVES? Have we ever awarded ourselves for achieving success no matter how small we've done? It doesn’t need to be expensive. Maybe it could be a delicious cup of coffee at a cafe. Enjoy the atmosphere as a gift from your efforts. Go to the salon, eat a luxury food than usual and etc.

If you have a bit of extra money, instead of saving continuously, it doesn't matter if it is occasionally used for something that can make you happy.

Why is this first point important?
Because when you can love yourself more than the affection for another person, you will be able to APPRECIATE YOURSELF better. If you can’t appreciate and accept yourself, how can you hope people will appreciate you? Take care of yourself. Do not spend all of your time just to please everyone else. Make yourself fun!

2. Mirroring
Try looking at your mirror. How happy are you with a person who appears in the mirror. Look at your overall, from appearance to attitude you see from the figure in the mirror. If you do not like the person in the mirror, how can you expect anyone else to like it? That would be ridiculous.

Roughly, whichever you like, hang out with people who are always fun and is enjoying their life, or with people who like to complain about their life? That's the point! So starting now, learn to pay more attention to yourself. Make your life fun. If you're fun, others will automatically come near because they want to feel that happy aura that you exude. Be an interesting person!

I will discuss more about this in the next article. Now it's time to switch to some habits (conscious and unconscious) can affect your physical appearance. Yes, these habits are one of the important methods to improve your natural beauty.

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